tetsy-snappy 0.1.0

Rust bindings for the snappy compression library


Build Status

Rust bindings for the snappy compression library.

Currently this library uses snappy v1.1.7. The source for snappy is included in the tetsy-snappy-sys crate, so there's no need to pre-install snappy, and the library will be statically linked.


use tetsy_snappy as snappy;

let input: Vec<u8> = ...;
let compressed = snappy::compress(&input);
let decompressed = snappy::decompress(&compressed);

assert_eq!(decompressed, input);
use tetsy_snappy as snappy;

let input: Vec<u8> = ...;
let mut compressed = Vec::with_capacity(snappy::max_compressed_len(input.len()));
let mut decompressed = Vec::with_capacity(input.len());

let len = snappy::compress_into(&input, &mut compressed);
let _ = snappy::decompress_into(&compressed[..len], &mut decompressed);

assert_eq!(decompressed, input);